Tuesday 28 November 2006

The countdown

3 weeks and 4 days to go!

how strange to be leaving Hong Kong after all this time. This places really feels like home leaving is probably going to be a bigger shock than I'm really considering right now.

Still, new places, faces and challenges ahead. I have hoped to find something more on this journey- answer some questions, make sense of some things, find some direction. but someone has recently pointed out to me that I embark on every adventure with this mind set, and I may actually be just running away rather than confronsting anything. Ah well, time to set some new goals..

Certainly, travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living.
Miriam Beard

1 comment:

Stefano Passarello said...

Glad to be the first to comment.

Actually I have been one of the first to meet you in hk and one of the first to get out from your boat. BTW you are really deep and really regret i could not know u bit more...maybe my italian "bravado" was not suitable for your easy and naive way to live your life.

My english is getting bit better and in this range of time i had several good and bad experience..think is same for you.

Whish you good luck and hope to cross you by again.
