Thursday, 21 December 2006

Leaving Hong Kong..

in 2 days!

Very, very strange! Up and down like a Wan Chai hooker at th emoment. One minute very excited and ready to go (loving the organising and packing) and the next back to where I was last week; scared, confused and freaking out a touch. Still this week has been better- it's like I hit my emotional bottom and have subsequently discovered I'm bouncy. Which is nice. Just still boinging around a bit in the reverberations of the collapse..!

People at work just said there goodbyes, and my boss cried! I really had no idea she would get so upset- we haven't been that close over the last 18 months. There has always been a supportiveness and a respect there though, maybe that's why...

2 more days to go.. x

1 comment:

Al said...

Good luck on your adventure x