Sunday, 18 February 2007

Bangkok Wins!

New calculation- since November, I will have spent 10 hours inBangkok airport! Which I like slightly more than Dubai airport, so I guess that's a good thing (presuming that one can apply the term 'like' to the most generic, souless places on the planet. Why are airports- the cultural gateways of our time- totally, totally withour any sort of cultural flavour? Globalsation, pah!)

SO, I've decided to spend one of my hours telling the tale of my arrival in Bangkok. The 15 hour journey from London via Dubai was totally seamless. Once at the airport, Danielle managed to get on a meandering airport bus with a totally incompetent driver only to be kicked off after 2 hours of driving round Bangkok and told to get into a metered taxi. Now, the bus went where I needed to go he just failed to tell me to get off, and with my limited knowledge of Bangkok I suspected we'd gone past my stop and told him so. Sadly, it was easier to lie and tell me my stop was coming up rather than admit fault (darn Asia!) and only once we had circumnavigated my destination beyond all possbile querie did he finally tell me he was going back to the airport.

Once I arrive, the building works around the house meant myself and a thai guard desperately tried to find an entrance big enough for my backpack and I. Once in, he waved me off with my backpack down a corridor until I stumbled upon my friends parents having a very grand dinner and some guests (yes, I was wearing my backpack and had been travelling for 16 hours. Yum) Finally I reached Oliver only to spill beer all over the floor- the true testament to my exhaustion being that I then tried to mop it up with my trousers. Thank God for Oliver, who, ever the gentleman, plopped me in a room with a hot shower and things took a much needed turn for the better...

..until I was told my flight was 3 hours delayed! ah well, the joys of modern travel. One day I'll get to Sydney xxx

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