Saturday, 17 March 2007

What a week (or two??)

Right. I have frankly been crap at this, and my only excuse is that I've been having a great time!
I was on Ko Tao for maybe 8 or 9 days in all. I am now an advanced open water diver! I really, really enjoyed it. (Although the night dive was a bit scary!) Ko Tao is quite chilled out and we had a great little group. There were five of us in all doing the advanced; Jimmy and Scott, two more English Lads and a Norwegian boy (who I came to adore. Sadly his visa meant he had to leave Thailand a few days ago...) and we all moved at pretty much the same pace.

Our instructor was a brilliant teacher and came with his own mascot- his son, one of the most articulate, charming 4 years old ever. Oh, and totally fearless. He put us all to shame jumping off the top of the boat and diving with his dad (even at night!) After we came out of the water he would plop himself in my lap and grill me about what we had seen- as if I knew!The boy was a fish encyclopedia. And he gets to spend all day with his dad on a boat. Maybe you can have everything..

So, after a slightly messy night drinking Samsong (and doing a pulp fiction style twist in the sand with the Norwegian) people started to depart. I didn't know where to go but rumour had it you could get lastminute discounts on liveaboards to the Similan Islands in Khoa Lak. Too lazy to find somewhere else to sleep, I got myself on the 10am boat and arrived, directionless, in Surrithani 6 hours later. As there were no buses to Khoa Lak that day, I got myself as close to it as I could- the rainforest in the middle of the country! The last two nights I slept in a tree house with a frog residing in my sink. I also rode an elephant, played with some monkeys and made met some cool people. Not a bad stop off point in all!

I travelled to Khao Lak this morning on the local bus with my backpack, a sprig of honeysuckle from the guy at my guesthouse and two pissing cats behind me . mmm. The aftermath of the Tsunami is still evident here. Even though the place has been rebuilt- there are warning signs everywhere (telling you have far it is to a safe point) and even a washed up police boat a mile or two from the beach. I spent all morning trying to find a boat and struck gold- a 4 day/4 night 4 star boat leaving tomorrow to the Similan and Surin Islands. 14 dives in all (3 night dives- eek!) Food, drinks, equipment included and 10,000 baht off the price! hurrah!! We can't believe our luck! It's still totally out of my budget, but I was talking to my dad the other day and he mentioned that he'd always wanted to dive, but that now his back is too bad. So I decided to make the most of being in this stunning place with an amazing opportunity (and worry about the money later?!)

Sadly, the boys headed for the north, only to be told that it is being burnt at this time of year and you can't see much. Jimmy is coming here... but can't get here until the 19th. Maybe I'l bump into him underwater! (Glad I decided to cut across the country rather than doing the Bangkok round trip!!)

After the boat (back on the 22nd mum) it's back to Bangkok (where hopefully Oliver will fail in his mission to get me plastered every time I see him- so far: 4 to him, 0 to me on that front). Then back to HK, which I'm both nervous and excited about. Still, it will be a test of all my resolutions so far. I have a fun week planned of sorting out Malaria tablets (which I still don't know if I've been taking or some other random drug), picking up passports and getting China and RUSSIAN visas!! My dad is meeting me in Moscow, so I'm braving the transiberian! And then... home I guess?! Still, it will be mid-May. The weather should be heading towards a britsih summer, Dad lives on the river and hopefully I'll be able to pip all the grads to the post on the job front, so it's about as good as it can get for a return date. And if I don't like it, back to HK to be a NET in August! (Blimey- I think I have a plan??) He he...

PS - I am trying to upload photos, but something always seems to go wrong!

PPS HAPPY MOTHERS DAY mum! I love you! Will try and call you tomorrow before I leave! xxx

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